Tuesday, December 23, 2008


At this oration of I will try studies about " The Importance Of Hacker in Dunia Internet". We all is possible tau has is that Internet, but not all we knowing about Hacker, though its(the relationship is very very tightly. Hacker is mention for them giving useful contribution to computer network, makes small program and allots it with people in internet. Hacker emerges in the year 1960, and rapidlies grow is finite the existingness.

Basically we hardly requires presents it Hacker. Hacker becomes mandatory equipments for some mans which wish to change program appearance run at Platform Windows and or does modification at system appearance Windows itself. Resource Hacker can change Menu and Submenu, dialogue, icon, picture, etc at program which has in the form of eksekutable file without changing function from itself program.

For us everyday struggled in world Internet would hardly esteems existence of the Hacker. Because blessing of the Hackers Internet we can enjoy like present, even always is improve;repaired to be even better system. Various weakness of system is improve;repaired by cleverness of the Hacker, more than anything else often result of its(the hacking is propagated freely in Internet for internet society.

But do not seldom also misusing its(the expertise as Hacker to act badness, its(the example stealing data. Usually this people usualy is called as with term Cracker. Leaking process done to show system safety weakness. There are some example of badness case by Cracker which I get, in the year 1983 first time of FBI catchs criminal group of computer doing leaking 60 fruit of computer. And at April 2004, consultant Tekhnologi Informasi PT Dana Reksa Jakarta successfully leaks situs property of KPU and changes name of inscribed parties at that moment.

The This hackers is people who struggles in computer network security art world. Expansion of the hobbiest this Hacker becomes is important veryness to take place Internet. For us which hobby applies service Internet, there is nothing wrong tries to become a Hacker. Even at certain situs-situs provides how to become Hacker. Besides easy and pleases, we also assists consumer Internet. But doesn't try berfikir to be a Cracker. a value and culture gotong-royongpun can grow in illusory world of usual Internet impressed futuristik and far from social taste.

Said my this oration. Hopefully is of benefit to we all. And if there is lacking of I apologize. Word end, Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah. Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

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